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Show groups as labels on dashboard


With the current layout users can not see more than 6 groups on the dashboard at a time. With many users belonging to dozens of groups it would be great to show more groups, so users can see at a glimpse and without too much scrolling which groups they belong too.


I would propose to show groups as labels, similar to how Discord shows roles for users. This allows to show up to about 40 groups without having to scroll.

All features:

  • Groups displayed as labels sorted by name
  • Users can scroll if they are more labels than fit in the box.
  • The group's description is shown as tooltip on each label
  • Will display a note when user doesn't belong to any group

Here is how it currently looks:


And here is how it looks with this change:


Technical notes

This solution uses Bootstrap labels with minor tweaks to make them work with the normal font size. They also look great in Dark mode.

Merge request reports