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connecting the api to views

mix irving requested to merge connectingapi into master

@luandro sorry, this turned into a mess while I was experimenting with good patterns and trying to get things visible

Page changes

  • /feed : shows the content of last 10 messages in the log
  • /network : shows peers on local wifi and lets you follow them, and log out the current state if you're connected / connecting



  • in the backend api.js :
    • something which listens for messages in the action channel (these are coming from the UI)
    • publishes messages into the mutation channel (which the UI listens to)
  • in the frontend (e.g. pages/network.js) :
    • a reducer function which is set up to listen to incoming mutation messages, and runs setState as required
    • a dispatch function which dispatches action messages to the backend

this whole thing is like a weird spread out redux. The state using this approach is quickly going to get out of hand I think. I considered setting up Redux, but decided to defer that as long as possible and see how it felt. (In the meantime I've been coding in a redux-y type way so it might be easy to change later).

Config changes

  • set friends.hops: 1 because in the event I successfully connect to my phone I don't want to pull the whole network down!
  • added ssb-about and installed it. It's not doing anything yet... stable startups, but calling it seemed to stimulate crashes though.

Known Problems

I can see my phone from my laptop, and my laptop from my phone. I can publish follow messages but I can't get replication happening yet between devices ):

Edited by mix irving

Merge request reports