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* aGrUM
  * Adding a new class `gum::MeekRules` to complete a learned PDAG to CPADG or BN.
  * Preventing 'infinities' in the definition of numerical discrete variable.
  * Adding a new constructor for `gum::PDAG` from`gum::MixedGraph`.
  * Better (stricter) `operator==` between `gum::DiscreteVariable`.
  * Adding a new static constructor `gum::{Undi|Di}Graph::completeGraph(int n)`.
  * Adding `closestIndex()` and `closestLabel()` methods for all numerical `gum::DiscreteVariable`.
  * Fixing an exception raised in inferences due to the removal of uninformative potentials containing only barren variables
  * new syntax for `fastVariable` : `[a:b:n]` = `gum.Discretiezd` with n intervalls from a to b.

* pyAgrum
  * Pickle for graphs and graphicals models !
  * Preventing 'infinities' in the definition of numerical discrete variable.
  * Adding a new class `pyAgrum.MeekRules` to complete a learned PDAG to CPADG or BN.
  * Better (stricter)  `__eq__` and `__ne_`_ between `pyAgrum.DiscreteVariable`.
  * Adding a new constructor for `pyAgrum.PDAG` from`pyAgrum.MixedGraph`.
  * Adding a new `expert` discretization method to `pyAgrum.skbn.BNDiscretizer` (thanks to Ahmed Mabrouk).
  * `pyAgrum.skbn.BNDiscretizer` can now take csv filename for input.
  * Adding `pyAgrum.fastGraph` to create `pyAgrum.{Di|Undi|Mixed}Graph`.
  * Dataframes can now come from `pandas` or `polars` (thanks to Mads Linksou).
  * Adding a `compact` mode for histogram for discretized variable controlled by `histogram_mode`
  `histogram_epsilon` in `gum.config` (thanks to Gaspard Ducamp).
  * Adding a new static constructor `pyAgrum.{Undi|Di}Graph::completeGraph(int n)`.
  * Adding subscripting to graphical models : `g[name]` gives now a direct access to the `pyAgrum.DiscreteVariable` by its
  * New syntax for `{Var|BN|ID|MRF}` : `[a:b:n]` = `pyAgrum.DiscretizedVariable` with n intervalls from a to b.
  * Adding `closestIndex()` and `closestLabel()` methods for all numerical `pyAgrum.DiscreteVariable`.
  * Adding `g.adjacencyMatrix()` for all graphs and graphical models (thanks to Kenneth Lee).
  * Adding new `bgcolor` parameter (None by default) for `showROC/PR` in `pyAgrum.lib.bn2roc` and `pyAgrum.skbn` (thanks to Clara Charon).
  * Adding optional `dialect` parameter to `pyAgrum.lib.bn2roc.computeScores`.
  * new syntax for `fastVariable` : `[a:b:n]` = `pyAgrum.Discretiezd` with n intervalls from a to b.