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  • Adrien Nader's avatar
    *: rm unneeded files, account support, improve build and make server blind. · 0ddab3f1
    Adrien Nader authored
    Large commit which removes knowledge from the server. Ultimately the server
    should only handle opaque (encrypted) blobs.
    Ocsigen-start user accounts are removed. They will be done in a very
    different manner (see #6).
    Server-side handling of deltas is removed. Clients send their consensus
    once in a while for the server to act as a cache.
    As a consequence, exports are disabled for now (they were done
    Data is stored in an sqlite database. One table per pad. Might change in
    the future (see #41).
    Uses of Queue have been replaced with CCFQueue from Containers (see #8).