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WIP: Issue #483 - Tweaked desktop settings page styles in preparation of further changes

Thomas Greiner requested to merge feature-483-style-tweaks into release-2019-2

This MR contains the following changes to the desktop settings page:

  • Made border radius consistent and applied it where specified in the issue.
    • Added support for detached attribute to <io-list-box> to differentiate between cases where the button is attached to or detached from the list it refers to.
  • Made primary blue color consistent across all UIs except the mobile settings page because it is isolated from all other pages and will be taken care of in #591 (closed). The reason for it being that icons/components are used across multiple UIs.
  • Removed separators and added hover effects to sidebar.
  • Indented section separators.

Marked as WIP for now, while waiting for feedback from Design.

Merge request reports