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  • Anthony Danducci's avatar
    Manage dependencies with `vcpkg` · 9711b328
    Anthony Danducci authored
    This makes bootstrapping the project much, much simpler, and should
    enable easier builds in a hypothetical CI. However, it had many downstream
    effects on CMake, linking, and documentation, mostly positive. Notably:
    * No more manual `find_package()` implementations- unequivocal positive.
    * Building directions should now be much clearer- unequivocal positive.
    * Since we're no longer arbitrarily consuming imgui code, we can't
      reference imgui_demo.cpp directly. I copied the log window
      implementation from the imgui demo directly into the overlay,
      which is actually closer to imgui's recommendations anyway.
    * `vcpkg` by default installs DLLs, and we were previously statically
      linking spdlog. `sf4e` now injects the spdlog and fmt DLLs when preparing
      SF4 for execution.
    * One of our dependencies isn't actually available via `vcpkg`, but it's
      no more difficult than CMake to declare new dependencies.
    * Some of the CMake rules have been optimized (ex. installing no longer
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