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  • Ethan Reesor's avatar
    Refactor vault management [#88] · ea447456
    Ethan Reesor authored
    Closes #88. Refactors vault management:
    - Merges `secure` back into `db`.
    - Removes "is it encrypted" logic.
    - Separates vault loading from the daemon.
    - Fixes multi-wallet support[^1].
    - Compare vaults only by name (for a given wallet), not path.
    - Fixes 1Password integration.
    - Changes the `Vault` request parameter from `api.VaultInfo` to just the vault name.
    - Removes some cruft.
    Changelog: refactor
    [^1]: The daemon *thought* it could handle multiple wallet paths but it really couldn't since it only tracked a single index database. Now, the daemon maintains a separate Wallet, with its own index, for each wallet path. Multi-wallet use cases are likely very rare but supporting those scenarios actually makes the code more readable IMO.