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Database utilities [#3512]

Ethan Reesor requested to merge sync-db into main
  • Closes #3512 (closed).
  • Implements a remote key-value store protocol.
  • Adds ForEach(func(*record.Key, []byte) error) error to keyvalue.Store.
  • Defines a scheme for database URLs that supports remote databases and snapshots.
  • Implements a clone command to clone a database.
  • Implements a sync command to synchronize a target database to a source database.
  • Generalizes debug badger ls to debug db analyze (can analyze an arbitrary key-value store).
  • These commands accept database URLs and can analyze/sync from/clone from a remote database or snapshot.
  • Exports internal/util/indexing.File to facilitate other kinds of indexing (since memory-mapped files are fast).

Changelog: feature

Edited by Ethan Reesor

Merge request reports