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  • Accensus's avatar
    - Reworded some Executioner stuff based on feedback. Thanks, anon! · 600ffe59
    Accensus authored
    - Moved FAK and mission menus to the new cycling menu stuff. Check out the controls.
    - Added female skin to Addons.
    - Dead followers can't autowear anything.
    - Merchant doesn't follow dead followers.
    - Fixed more instances of the movement AI having crouch tism.
    - Do a velocity check on the hoverboard when changing merchant order.
    - Ohana mode is inactive while follower is being revived. Saves you from having to babysit the reaper shard. Just don't forget them there.
    - Fixed cube not playing SC/Activate sometimes.
    - Removed DSArmor::Autowear.
    - Refactored targeting AI some to allow better control over CanHitTarget's parameters and more consistency, which fixed a bunch of targeting bugs with the followers.
    - Fixed GetLeadAngles not accounting for projectile gravity.
    - Projectiles fired by friendlies are not shootable.
    - Preserve order when transferring items.
    - Ailments are now applied based on the original pre-item damage.
    - Increased injector application range and reduced stim's effect on NPCs.
    - Fixed typeless hurtfloors not bypassing armor.
    - Fixed some item effects not being properly applied to NPCs.
    - Fixed followers not equipping radsuits correctly.
    - Highlight worn items in transfer menu for other actor.