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version 0.13.1-alpha update (final open source update)

ZilverBlade requested to merge exp_dev into master

Shard3D Torque 0.13.0-alpha & 0.13.1-alpha - Improved motion blur (proper per object) - Improved (by a lot) shading performance on older Nvidia GPUs with lower bandwidth - Improved SSAO visuals (fixed weird "screen space shadow" artifact) - Improved PCF shadow map visuals on static objects (no longer jitters when the camera moves) - Improved FXAA implementation (no longer suffers from intense blurriness) - Improved point light shadow acne severeness - Possibly improved deferred renderer performance

	- Fixed nested prefabs loading incorrectly (more than 1 nesting level not tested yet!)
	- Fixed nasty crash when rendering objects in editor
	- Fixed crash when renaming a non cached texture
	- Fixed backend buffers causing possible GPU issues due to excessive memory allocations
	- Fixed baked reflections generating incorrectly with reverse depth buffer
	- Fixed exponential fog not working
	- Fixed shadow map destruction stuttering
	- Fixed PCF shadow map leaking when blending between opaque and translucent casters
	- Fixed blueprint usage in scripts being incorrect (getting actor under a blueprint returns correct actor now)
	- Fixed GPU garbage collection system (FINALLY AFTER AN ENTIRE YEAR!)
	- Fixed directional light specular calculations being incorrect (now they are nice and round again)
	- Fixed constrast effect producing extremely harsh and unusable results
	- Fixed script engine crashing when Actor script does not contain BeginEvent(), EndEvent() or TickEvent(float dt)
	- Fixed prefab spawning crashing
	- Fixed prefab structure (more efficient and more reliable)

	- Added physics (FINALLY!)
	- Added HUD (FINALLY!)
	- Added C++ script support
	- Added 'FixedTickEvent(float ts)' function for script engine (called at the same rate as the physics engine)
	- Added new transform component functions to C# script engine
	- Added ability to disable motion blur
	- Added more colour grading options (temperature and hue shift)
	- Added experimental planar reflections
	- Added experimental volumetric lighting
	- Added experimental dynamic sky atmosphere system (with dynamic reflections)
	- Added experimental new translucent shading model (refractive)
	- Added experimental real time global illumination through light propagation volumes (point lights unsupported)
	- Added experimental MSAA
	- Added experimental deferred decals
	- Added experimental fully deferred lighting
	- Added experimental skeletal animation support
	- Added cookie textures for spot lights
	- Added script function to switch levels at runtime (experimental, no loading screen yet)
	- Added debugging system for device lost errors on Nvidia GPUs
	- Added ability to duplicate actors by holding RIGHT SHIFT + drag	
	- Added heightmap terrain component 
	- Added new PCF shadow map bias controls

	- Default window size and resizability can now be set in engine_settings.ini
	- Made SSAO, Depth, and transparency revealage buffer previews greyscale (instead of being shaded red)
	- Asset system now allows for LeTTer CaPitaLiSaTION

	- Redesigned the Sky Light component
	- Lighting model update: irradiance maps are now supported, skybox, sky atmosphere (dynamic), and reflection captures
	- Lighting model update: new attenuation model, and new light properties (source radius, and source length (point lights only))
	- Material specular and reflection model update: specular highlight is now linear and normalised, reflection captures generate individual glossiness levels (skybox and sky atmosphere not implemented yet!!)
	- Overhaul to Y up
	- Implemented frustum culling (sphere test for mesh actors, AABB test for submeshes)

	- Physics changelogs:
		- Library used is Open Dynamics Engine (as opposed to the now canned custom ReactorPhysics plan)
		- Supports colliders: spheres, boxes, capsules, cylinders, planes, terrain, convex hulls and trimeshes. Collisions between all types of colliders are supported.
		- Supports materials: friction, elasticity (a.k.a. bounciness), softness (e.g. a cushion), and absorption (e.g. rubber)
		- Supports constraints: fixed, ball, hinge, piston, slider
		- Physics editor to create physics assets, as well as edit convex hull points
		- Fixed time step! (Configurable in engine_settings.ini, 120 Hz is default)

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