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0.12.0-alpha release

ZilverBlade requested to merge exp_dev into master

Shard3D Torque 0.12.0-alpha - Improved transparency rendering performance on GTX 1600 series and newer cards - Improved camera movement controls - Improved actor tree node visuals - Improved mesh draw performance by using a much more efficient "arena allocator" approach - Improved G-Buffer usage (possibly further improved SSAO performance) - Improved SSAO visuals and performance - Improved PCF shadow softness and performance - Improved (greatly) CPU side rendering performance - Improved asset explorer performance - Improved colour debanding

	- Fixed NO TEXTURE texture having wrong colour
	- Fixed tangents and binormals being calculated incorrectly when doing derivative based normal mapping
	- Fixed fresnel artifacts on back faces
	- Fixed everlasting bug where shadow maps caused crashes
	- Fixed SSAO breaking for backface normals
	- Fixed SSAO "leaking" and reduced other artifacts
	- Fixed SSAO quality 0 and 1 artifacts
	- Fixed broken camera exposure
	- Fixed graphics setting shadow map resolution multipler causing infinite shadow map recreation
	- Fixed reflection capture "ghost shadows" artifact
	- Fixed	blueprint actor selection selecting the wrong actor
	- Fixed levels with blueprints not being able to load relationships properly
	- Fixed editor camera locking cursor into place when moving the cursor too fast
	- Fixed editor gizmo having completely broken transform manipulation for child actors with scaled parents
	- Fixed (potentially) editor gizmo drifting child actors
	- Fixed bug where resizing window certain amount of times caused descriptor leak and crashed
	- Fixed renaming assets not correctly fixing references, cache, crashing editor, and virtual resources (.s3dtex and .s3dmesh)

	- Added BCC support (BC1, BC3, BC4, BC5 and BC7)
	- Added texture caching for improved loading times
	- Added new reverse floating point depth buffer option
	- Added "Flip Y Normals" for initial texture imports
	- Added Texture Config editor
	- Added experimental translucent shadows
	- Added multiple tonemapping options
	- Added point light shadows
	- Added paraboloid shadow option
	- Added function to build all lighting in level
	- Added ability to seperately import multiple meshes from a single model file
	- Added experimental velocity buffer
	- Added experimental motion blur
	- Added frame telemetry info (GPU and CPU)
	- Added asset combo box filtering to input assets
	- Added tons of GBuffer viewer features
	- Added several script engine features (get resolution, get mouse position, get actor under blueprint by UUID, get actor blueprint class)
	- Added PostFX volume		
	- Added ability to disable SSAO

	- Overhauled file formats to use JSON instead of YAML
	- Overhauled asset discovery system to be fully accurate (requires more time on start up)
	- Overhauled texture system to convert images to the KTX2 format
	- Overhauled material system (now supports chrominess, shininess maps, and texture coordinate modifiers)
	- Deprecated true 10 bit colour
	- Setting amount of swapchain images is now possible in graphics settings
	- Reflection captures are now true HDR
	- Editor now has material editor built in
	- Misc editor GUI bug fixes

Merge request reports