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  • Sam Habiel's avatar
    [#5] No M directory for M mode code + install_ydb_sources() + README update · dcbc86f2
    Sam Habiel authored
    We found out that in Octo, we have a convention where the M mode code is
    in the current binary directory (not in the M folder), whereas the utf8
    mode code is in the utf8 folder. So we are removing the M folder to
    avoid having to change the scripts that Octo has. This also matches more
    or less how YottaDB works, where M mode code is in the root folder, and
    utf8 code is in the utf8 folder.
    I also took the opportunity to add the function `install_ydb_sources()`
    which does what it says. It's technically useless (as the source code is
    not used at runtime), but we have a convention right now of installing the
    useless source code.
    These changes will necessitate a small change in the YDBPosix repo
    because the tests need to run after build time, and the location of the
    M mode .so file will be different.
    README was also updated with an advanced section for using a local copy
    of this repository and debugging information.