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Sync error_codes.go with YDB master

Jynn Nelson requested to merge jyn514/YDBGo:sync-errors into develop

This fixes the following pipeline failure:

$ git diff --exit-code error_codes.go || (echo "There is a difference between the latest YottaDB master and the currently committed error_codes.go, please run 'go generate' and commit error_codes.go" && exit 1)
diff --git a/error_codes.go b/error_codes.go
index 59ce887..57853b6 100644
--- a/error_codes.go
+++ b/error_codes.go
@@ -1561,6 +1561,7 @@ const (
        YDB_ERR_INVZCONVERT           = -151027978
        YDB_ERR_ZYSQLNULLNOTVALID     = -151027986
        YDB_ERR_BOOLEXPRTOODEEP       = -151027994
+       YDB_ERR_TPCALLBACKINVRETVAL   = -151028002

        YDB_TP_RESTART   = (YDB_INT_MAX - 1) /* 0x7ffffffe */
        YDB_TP_ROLLBACK  = (YDB_INT_MAX - 2) /* 0x7ffffffd */
There is a difference between the latest YottaDB master and the currently committed error_codes.go, please run 'go generate' and commit error_codes.go
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

Merge request reports