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Fix rare test_createtable/TC013 bats subtest failure in pipeline

Narayanan Iyer requested to merge nars1/YDBOcto:TC013 into master
  • In some cases we have seen the TC013 bats subtest fail with the following error in one or more of the 8 M jobs that it spawns.

    [ERROR] /builds/YottaDB/DBMS/YDBOcto/src/run_query.c:443 2020-09-19 05:09:31 : ERR_YOTTADB : YottaDB error: ydb_lock_s()/ydb_lock_incr_s() call timed out. Another process with schema change rights, or a long-running query, is active.
  • This is possible in case of a loaded system since we have a hard coded timeout of 10 seconds currently for getting the exclusive DDL lock using ydb_lock_incr_s() in run_query.c.

  • To avoid such failures, we check for such an error and REDO the test in this case. We do this for a max of 10 retries before signaling a test failure. It is expected that the retry will pass.

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