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  • Sam Habiel's avatar
    [YottaDB/UI/YDBGUI#234] Add GUI to Base Docker images & misc · b8292d2b
    Sam Habiel authored
    - Add GUI to base docker images (Ubuntu + Debian). This is done via an
      intermediate docker stage that creates the "plugins" directory and
      which is copied in the final stage. Entrypoint replaced to be able to
      start the GUI on port 9080 as well as run YottaDB.
    - Fix build/run comments to be accruate, as the older ones were out of
      date (latest -> latest-master, remove UTF-8 [it's already default],
      add port option for GUI).
    - Remove readline libraries: While I would like for readline to be
      available, we need a lot more packages to be installed in order for
      the unversioned .so to be available; but this image is supposed to be
      as small as possible. So, never mind.
    - Fix libcurl packages in main Dockerfile. It was done incorrectly in
      commit f92ef46d (it added the libcurl
      for the YottaDB build stage, where it is not actually used--it should
      be added in two places: a dev library for the GUI build stag...
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