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#32 Resolves: "Allow single field editing for submission"

Closes #32 (closed)


Adds functionality to edit single fields after submitting the marketplace stall. Additionally adds pdf and image rendering that updates after each file change/upload. The pdf display does not work on local deployments, however, works fully for public deployments due to using the Google API to embed a HTML version of the pdf in the page.

Uses a manifest to determine what fields have been changed and need updated when PUTing calls to submit. Also adds automatic secret key generation for teachers.

Milestones also do correctly update however, without a rest call, such as on page refresh or change, they will not update. Might be able to implement same page updating with a setTimeout with a callback or (preferably) with a callback in PageProps (however this might be quite difficult with the milestone bar being created in the BasePage and the App class which creates/manages the PageProps not having any real access to any BasePage. Might be possible through a dummy callback that gets overwritten by the MilestoneBar on load, but you shouldn't really change a component's props from within, so may require a setter or something else mad).



added in .doc and .docx handling:


Edited by YE Scotland Admin

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