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  • Leo's avatar
    Add --el argument to list command · 5fc8bce1
    Leo authored
     + With some very long command, display is quite uncomfortable, so we
     truncate commands, to avoid this. For instance, this:
      Id                                                                            Command   Number of launch
     ╶──╴ ╶────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╴ ╶────────────────
       0   curl --silent  -o - | grep -o '"avg":[...                  1
       1                                                               sysctl vm.swappiness                  1                                                                     sysctl vm.swappiness                  1
    is easier to read than that:
      Id                                                                                    Command   Number of launch
     ╶──╴ ╶────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╴ ╶────────────────
       0   curl --silent  -o - | grep -o '"avg":[0-9]\+.[0-9                  1
       1                                                                       sysctl vm.swappiness                  1
     + Add to CHANGELOG and command definiton.
     + Create some test, almost all fail.
     + Buggy implementation, need to improve test and code clarity.
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