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id: 2016-01-22-aylifyavi-leneytrrlan
title: "Aylì'fyavi leNeytrrlan"
kind: article
created_at: 2016-01-22 23:31
 - navi-blog-month
summary: "Fìtrr ayngaru a'awa lì'fyavi leNeytrrlan..."
needs_popups: true

{Fìtrr ayngaru a'awa lì'fyavi leNeytrrlan\today I'll show you a few Dutch expressions}
{a fpìl oel futa saw lu 'o'\that I think are funny}.

<b>Hoge bomen vangen veel wind.</b><br>
{<i>Ayutralìl atsawl stä'nì hufweti atxan</i>\tall trees catch a lot of wind}.<br>
{Txo nga livu eyktan, tsakrr pxaya tute ke mivlltxe ngahu\if you are a leader, then many people will not agree with you}.)
<b>Hij maakt van een mug een olifant.</b><br>
{Tìralpeng (wum)\translation (approximate)}:
{<i>Pol hì'angit sleyku ne ioangit apxa</i>\he causes an insect to become a large animal}.<br>
{Ketsrana txeleti ahì'i sleyku ne txeleti apxa\he causes a small, unimportant topic to become big}.)
<b>Dat is een eitje.</b><br>
{<i>Tsaw lu loitsyìp</i>\that's a little egg}.<br>
{Tsatìngäzìk lu ftue nìtxan\that problem is really easy}.)
<b>De appel valt niet ver van de boom.</b><br>
{Tìralpeng (wum)\translation (approximate)}:
{<i>Mauti azawnup ke lìm utralta</i>\fallen fruit is not far away from the tree}.<br>
{'Eveng sì sneyä sa'sem lu steng\a child and his/her parents are similar}.)
<b>Water naar de zee dragen.</b><br>
{<i>Fwa hena payit ne txampay</i>\carry water to the sea}.<br>
{Fwa kelsara kemo sivi\doing some useless thing}.)
<b>Hij loopt niet in twee sloten tegelijk.</b><br>
{Tìralpeng (wum)\translation (approximate)}:
{<i>Po ke tìran nemfa mehilvan mì 'awa hìkrr</i>\he does not walk into two rivers in one second}.<br>
{Po ke lu skxawng\he is not an idiot}.)

{Srake lu ayngeyä lì'fyar aylì'fyavi asteng\does your language have similar expressions}?

{Hayalovay\until the next time}!