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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 20221127
    Release 20221127
    * NixOS
      + migrate to 22.11
      + fix some issues
      + update overlays
  • 20220918
    Release 20220918
    * Nixpkgs
      - update overlays
    * Home-manager
      - use gitFull for git-send-mail
      - update alacritty stylesheet
      - add dark mode in qutebrowser
    * XMonad
      - modify keybindings for multiple displays
    * Emacs
      - update agda and proof general keybindings
      - add insert zero width space function
  • 20220706
    Release 20220706
    * Repos
      - migrate from gitlab to
    * XMonad
      - change wsWindows to applications prompt
    * Home-manager
      - remove lfs (it has issues when migrating to other server. Saving all data in
      the original repo is better)
  • 20220701
    Release 20220701
    * NixOS
      - use internal dhcp for NM
      - add weyuls for tablet
    * Emacs
      - modify keybindngs for org-ql
      - create custom dir automatically with its parent
      - add consult flycheck
      - add options for use package ensure for non-nixos
      - fix exclude algorithm
      - only use :infix of general.el for define new generator
  • 20220608
    Release 20220608
    * Emacs
      - remove python because it is useless for me
      - add package.el config for backend
      - replaces org-contrib with its separated packages
      - remove hlinum which is obsolete in 2020
      - remove origami which is useless for me
      - add keybinds for magit-dispatch which is used when git repo is large where
        magit-status is slow
      - fix lsp function name
      - add bindings for find-file-literally for large file which also can be called
        by embark
    * NixOS
      - update flakes
      - update overlays
  • 20220531
    Release 20220531
    * NixOS
      - update overlays
  • 20220530
    Release 20220530
    * NixOS
      - 22.05 released and merged
    * Emacs
      - use melpa unstable telega
      - remove SPC bindings for telega
      - remove mu4e maildirs extensions which is merged into mu4e in 2020
      - global visual line mode is opened
      - evil opens symbol word search
      - change some keybindings
      - add dired guess shell and dwin target
      - change some keybindings of embark
      - ibuffer supports with project.el
    * XMonad
      - keybindings update
  • 20220524
    Release 20220524
    * NixOS & HM
      + merge to 22.05 pre
      + apply nvfetcher but the update has problem now and we have manully manage it
      * update overlay working with nvfetcher
    * Emacs
      * dirvish replaces ranger.el and
      * vertico, orderless and ... replace ivy
      * project.el replaces projectile
      - remove which-key
      - remove auctex-latexmk
    * XMonad
      * change many keybinds
      * use multiple files with lib instead of single one
      - deprecate magic center and cycle layout
      + add space between windows
      + increase border size
  • 20220307
    Release 20220307
    * Emacs
      - seperate vonfry-local-dir from vonfry-custom-dir
      - add nix flake snippet
      - add zoxide keybindings
      - close linum mode and use model line instead
    * NixOS
      - replace sudo with doas
      - add nixpkgs and unstable into nix registry
      - use btop instead of htop
  • deprecated/nixos/sudo
  • 20211223
    Release 20211223
    * neovim
      - support lsp
    * home-manager
      - remove httpstat
    * emacs
      - remove treemacs
      - redefine projectlie files
      - bind swiper to top
      - modify dumb-jump keybindings
    * NixOS
      - update sync script for modules
    About TAGS and lsp.
    LSP contains more functions like diagnostic, which is more generic for each
    languages. Therefore, we use it defaultly for main languages.
    TAGS are supported by builtin in emacs and vim. They are used as a backend which
    is not reflected in configure because no config is needed.
    Simply using ctags, hasktags or other tools to general tags or TAGS (emacs,
    etags), and editor can read them. The keybindings are binded by editors
    defaultly as well.
    If you want to read code staticly, codequery, cflow, ebrowser and etc can be
  • mark/editor/TAGS
  • deprecated/emacs/treemacs
  • 20211220
    Release 20211220
    * NixOS
      - point flake-registry to locol one (only use the local one to avoid network
      connection to download flake-registry)
      - remove emacs in global environment
    * Home Manager
      - replace unar with archiver
      - remove tigrc and tig was removed many times ago
      - ran as http server instead of python -m http.server
      - remove some useless rime config to avoid error log
    * Overlay
      - update rime-wubi86
    * Emacs
      - insert date time with current-time-string
      - use undo-redo as evil undo system
  • 20211215
    Release 20211215
    * Emacs
      - remove undo-tree
    * Readme & TODO
      - update status and description
  • 20211211
    Release 20211211
    * NixOS
      - update flakes
    * Home-manager
      - add more nixos sync scripts
  • 20211210
    Release 20211210
    * Home-manager
      - add nix-direnv flake supports
      - fcitx5 update
    * overlays
      - add fcitx5 nord theme
      - update overlays document
  • 20211206
    Release 20211206
    * NixOS
      - add flake registry and flake special config
  • 20211201.2
    Release 20211201.2
    * NixOS
      - fix many flake problem
      - add sync script to avoid impure due to symbolic links
      - change rime config
    * Home-manager
      - add more link
  • 20211201.1
    Release 20211201.1
    * NixOS
      - use flake
      - overlay only cantions what I created