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Issue-148 Script and tests derivedLUs attr

Martin Rypar requested to merge issue-148-script-and-tests-derivedLUs-attr into master

This MR provides implementation of the issue-148 derivedLUs attribute and transform script for adding that attribute into the data. Then it provides tests related to derivedLUs, reflexverb and lvc.

Tests are split into smaller units for better readability, it can be merged into bigger units in the case of need.

As suggested in the Issue, I have implemented subtypes in the derivedLUs attribute (nouns, verbs, adjectives, reflexverb_SUBTYPE), where I changed the format reflexverb-SUBTYPE into reflexverb_SUBTYPE, so the parser will correctly work on those and won't assume it as a new attribute as for example in reflexverb-conv (then -conv is assumed to be a new attribute)

I haven't implemented checking the backlink with raising the TestWarning in case it is missing, as it seems that it only duplicates the test itself.

I still need to implement the part visualising the derivedLUs attribute on the frontend, but it shouldn't be a problem.

Edited by Martin Rypar

Merge request reports