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  • intrigeri's avatar
    When testing ISO build reproducibility, use the same APT snapshots in both builds (refs: #15107). · 2da49e69
    intrigeri authored
     - Our branches based on devel use "latest" snapshots for every APT archive used
       at build time => their reproducibly_build_Tails_ISO_* job will fail if any of
       these APT snapshots is updated between the start of the original build job
       and the start of the reproducibly_build_Tails_ISO_* job.
     - Our branches based on stable are also affected, but to a lesser degree: they
       use the "latest" snapshot only for the debian-security archive.
     - Any branch can be affected when the build is triggered by a Git push at an
       unfortunate time. But for some branches, the automatic daily build is
       _always_ affected: daily Jenkins job runs are scheduled in a deterministic
       manner, with a schedule based on the name of the branch. So inevitably, the
       automatic daily rebuild of _some_ branches will always fail to build
       reproducibly, because the failure condition ("APT snapshots is updated