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Terence Tsang requested to merge aa-line-bug-fix into master


Fixed whitespace issues in [tools.pytest.ini_options.filterwarnings] so that toml (used by pytest < 7.0) can parse them correctly (see


Bumped to 1.6.1



New (internal) utilities for handling deprecations (e.g. of arguments)


Other new utilities


Fixed bug where the point, slope form of axline results in an error


Added doctest verifying the correct resolution of the axline argument{Axes|Figure}.{get_cl_categories|get_cl_handles_labels|categorized_legend}()

Added deprecation for positional arguments

Fixed backward-incompatible import of pytest.Config

New test for the aforementioned deprecation

New test testing for the hiding of empty legends (new behavior in v1.6.0){formatter|category_value_typesetting}()

Fixed backward-incompatible use of pytest.approx()

Merge request reports