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Update packages

Allard Oelen requested to merge update-packages into master

Related to #416

I upgraded a few dependencies to ensure it is possible to run npm i without the --force flag.

  • react-diff-viewer-continued -> react-diff-viewer-continued (old package is not maintained anymore).
  • Removed react-image-lightbox, was not maintained anymore. Also it was not needed since the only functionality we used was to show an image full screen when clicking (I replaced this with a simple modal that does the same).
  • Storybook v7 to v8. Required some updates configuration, but the rest still seems to work fine.
  • Upgrade eslint config to use NextJS default config
  • Include additional typescript rules for eslint (including airbnb-typescript). I had to change the parser setting to support this. Also, additional rules are converted from errors to warnings, so we have time to fix them.
  • A few lint autofix changes are applied automatically during merging (mostly related to unneeded fragments and removing unneeded ={true} from property={true})

Ensure to restart your IDE after checking out so the new lint rules are pickup while testing!

Edited by Allard Oelen

Merge request reports