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Added Read/Write Tests for U/Int16, Int32, Double, Single & Fix for UInt32 Test

Ray requested to merge Daniel-McCarthy:UnitTestsBranch into master

Created by: Daniel-McCarthy

To start off: I have fixed an issue with the UInt32 Read/Write test I added. After adding tests for when supplying the BinaryStream an endianness setting I also added a check to the default BinaryStream to confirm the endianness it selected. There were two problems with this check.

  1. I made an incorrect assumption that the default endianness would be little endian. After checking with the source file for the BinaryStream I saw that it's actual functionality was to set to the system's endianness. I have modified this endianness check to ensure that it is set to the system's endianness instead.

  2. The second issue was that to keep the test brief and simple, I had it check the first value of the values array. This meant that if the first value was 0 for example, the test would pass regardless of the endianness setting. I have changed it to check the whole array to avoid this issue. It is more thorough this way.

With those two flaws solved, I have also added this Read/Write test for Int32, Int16, UInt16, Single, and Double value types.

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