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Updated BinaryStream UInt32 Read/Write Test

Ray requested to merge Daniel-McCarthy:NewUnitTest into master

Created by: Daniel-McCarthy

In response to the suggestion in pull request #22 to test the BinaryStream with different initialization I have added to the test the following:

-A check to make sure the default initialization of Binary Stream is little endian. -A check for a BinaryStream intialized to ensure big endian uses big endian for the default read and write functions. -A check for a BinaryStream intialized to ensure little endian uses little endian for the default read and write functions.

Instead of repeating the exact test over two more times with different endianness initialization I chose to cut it down a little bit. The logic behind this was that the tests with the first BinaryStream confirms that a read and write work when being told to use ByteConverter.Little or ByteConverter.Big.

Therefore it seemed fitting to cut it down to test just read and write function calls without any arguments for the additional tests.

If this is not ideal and it would be preferred to keep the tests the same for all three then I can update it.

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