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realm profiling: dump the copy path and channel of realm copies

Wei Wu requested to merge profile_path into master

Besides the number of hops, we will dump the path and channel into the OperationCopyInfo. For example, here is the result of a copy from 1e00000000000003 to 1e00010000000003 from the memspeed

[0 - 7f27613d9c40]    0.818387 {2}{app}: copy 1e00000000000003 -> 1e00010000000003: bw:5.19885 lat:126877, num_hops:3
[0 - 7f27613d9c40]    0.818434 {3}{app}: From:[1e00000000000003], to:[1a00000000000002], channel:6
[0 - 7f27613d9c40]    0.818440 {3}{app}: From:[1a00000000000002], to:[1a00010000000002], channel:12
[0 - 7f27613d9c40]    0.818445 {3}{app}: From:[1a00010000000002], to:[1e00010000000003], channel:5
Edited by Wei Wu

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