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DO NOT MERGE: realm test: fix the test_profiling by making sure the cancellation is called before task is done

Wei Wu requested to merge fix_profiling into master

This is a fix for The original bug code is:

    cargs.sleep_useconds = 5000000;
    Event e4 = task_proc.spawn(CHILD_TASK, &cargs, sizeof(cargs), prs);
    int info = 111;
    e4.cancel_operation(&info, sizeof(info));
    bool poisoned = false;

Even though the task will sleep for 5s, which should be enough for the cancel_operation to be issued, however, the usleep and sleep in our CI docker does not guarantee to sleep for the exactly number of seconds, so it is possible that the cancel_operation is issued after the task is done.

Due to another bug in cancel_operation , please do not merge this PR. We will keep the original code, but disable the cancel_operation in !1077 (merged)

Edited by Wei Wu

Merge request reports