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  • Luke Champine's avatar
    add SaveFn support to proto · 2ec7c9d3
    Luke Champine authored and David Vorick's avatar David Vorick committed
    If the SaveFn field of proto.Editor or proto.Downloader is non-nil,
    it will be called prior to sending the transaction signatures of
    the revision. Typically, the function would save the revision to
    persistent storage, such that in the event of a desync, the revision
    could be restored.
    add SaveFn support to proto
    Luke Champine authored and David Vorick's avatar David Vorick committed
    If the SaveFn field of proto.Editor or proto.Downloader is non-nil,
    it will be called prior to sending the transaction signatures of
    the revision. Typically, the function would save the revision to
    persistent storage, such that in the event of a desync, the revision
    could be restored.