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18607 commits behind the upstream repository.
David Vorick authoredDavid Vorick authored
package types
// block.go defines the Block type for Sia, and provides some helper functions
// for working with blocks.
import (
type (
// A Block is a summary of changes to the state that have occurred since the
// previous block. Blocks reference the ID of the previous block (their
// "parent"), creating the linked-list commonly known as the blockchain. Their
// primary function is to bundle together transactions on the network. Blocks
// are created by "miners," who collect transactions from other nodes, and
// then try to pick a Nonce that results in a block whose BlockID is below a
// given Target.
Block struct {
ParentID BlockID
Nonce uint64
Timestamp Timestamp
MinerPayouts []SiacoinOutput
Transactions []Transaction
BlockHeight uint64
BlockID crypto.Hash
// CalculateCoinbase calculates the coinbase for a given height. The coinbase
// equation is:
// coinbase := max(InitialCoinbase - height, MinimumCoinbase) * CoinbaseAugment
func CalculateCoinbase(height BlockHeight) (c Currency) {
base := InitialCoinbase - uint64(height)
if uint64(height) > InitialCoinbase || base < MinimumCoinbase {
base = MinimumCoinbase
return NewCurrency64(base).Mul(NewCurrency(CoinbaseAugment))
// ID returns the ID of a Block, which is calculated by hashing the
// concatenation of the block's parent's ID, nonce, and the result of the
// b.MerkleRoot().
func (b Block) ID() BlockID {
return BlockID(crypto.HashAll(
// CheckTarget returns true if the block's ID meets the given target.
func (b Block) CheckTarget(target Target) bool {
blockHash := b.ID()
return bytes.Compare(target[:], blockHash[:]) >= 0
// MerkleRoot calculates the Merkle root of a Block. The leaves of the Merkle
// tree are composed of the Timestamp, the miner outputs (one leaf per
// payout), and the transactions (one leaf per transaction).
func (b Block) MerkleRoot() crypto.Hash {
tree := crypto.NewTree()
for _, payout := range b.MinerPayouts {
for _, txn := range b.Transactions {
return tree.Root()
// MinerPayoutID returns the ID of the miner payout at the given index, which
// is calculated by hashing the concatenation of the BlockID and the payout
// index.
func (b Block) MinerPayoutID(i int) SiacoinOutputID {
return SiacoinOutputID(crypto.HashAll(