// filesize returns a string that displays a filesize in human-readable units.
func filesizeUnits(size int64) string {
if size == 0 {
return "0 B"
sizes := []string{"B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"}
i := int(math.Log10(float64(size)) / 3)
return fmt.Sprintf("%.*f %s", i, float64(size)/math.Pow10(3*i), sizes[i])
renterCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "renter",
Short: "Perform renter actions",
Long: "Upload, download, rename, delete, load, or share files.",
Run: wrap(renterfileslistcmd),
renterDownloadQueueCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "queue",
Short: "View the download queue",
Long: "View the list of files that have been downloaded.",
Run: wrap(renterdownloadqueuecmd),
Short: "Delete a file",
Long: "Delete a file. Does not delete the file on disk.",
Run: wrap(renterfilesdeletecmd),
renterFilesDownloadCmd = &cobra.Command{
Short: "Download a file",
Long: "Download a previously-uploaded file to a specified destination.",
renterFilesListCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "list",
Short: "List the status of all files",
Long: "List the status of all files known to the renter.",
Run: wrap(renterfileslistcmd),
renterFilesLoadCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "load [filename]",
Short: "Load a .sia file",
Long: "Load a .sia file, adding the file entries contained within.",
Run: wrap(renterfilesloadcmd),
renterFilesLoadASCIICmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "loadascii [data]",
Short: "Load an ASCII-encoded .sia file",
Long: "Load an ASCII-encoded .sia file.",
Run: wrap(renterfilesloadasciicmd),
renterFilesRenameCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "rename [nickname] [newname]",
Short: "Rename a file",
Long: "Rename a file.",
Run: wrap(renterfilesrenamecmd),
renterFilesShareCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "share [nickname] [filepath]",
Short: "Export a file to a .sia for sharing",
Long: "Export a file to a .sia for sharing.",
Run: wrap(renterfilessharecmd),
renterFilesShareASCIICmd = &cobra.Command{
Short: "Export a file as an ASCII-encoded .sia file",
Long: "Export a file as an ASCII-encoded .sia file.",
Run: wrap(renterfilesshareasciicmd),
renterFilesUploadCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "upload [filename] [nickname]",
Short: "Upload a file",
Long: "Upload a file using a given nickname.",
Run: wrap(renterfilesuploadcmd),
// abs returns the absolute representation of a path.
// TODO: bad things can happen if you run siac from a non-existent directory.
// Implement some checks to catch this problem.
func abs(path string) string {
abspath, err := filepath.Abs(path)
if err != nil {
return path
return abspath
var queue []api.DownloadInfo
err := getAPI("/renter/downloadqueue", &queue)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Could not get download queue:", err)
fmt.Println("No downloads to show.")
fmt.Println("Download Queue:")
fmt.Printf("%s: %5.1f%% %s -> %s\n", file.StartTime.Format("Jan 02 03:04 PM"), 100*float32(file.Received)/float32(file.Filesize), file.Nickname, file.Destination)
err := post("/renter/files/delete", "nickname="+nickname)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Could not delete file:", err)
fmt.Println("Deleted", nickname)
func renterfilesdownloadcmd(nickname, destination string) {
err := post("/renter/files/download", fmt.Sprintf("nickname=%s&destination=%s", nickname, abs(destination)))
fmt.Printf("Downloaded '%s' to %s.\n", nickname, abs(destination))
func renterfileslistcmd() {
var files []api.FileInfo
err := getAPI("/renter/files/list", &files)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Could not get file list:", err)
if len(files) == 0 {
fmt.Println("Tracking", len(files), "files:")
for _, file := range files {
// TODO: write a filesize() helper function to display proper units
fmt.Printf("%13s %s\n", filesizeUnits(int64(file.Filesize)), file.Nickname)
fmt.Printf("%13s %s (uploading, %0.2f%%)\n", filesizeUnits(int64(file.Filesize)), file.Nickname, file.UploadProgress)
func renterfilesloadcmd(filename string) {
info := new(api.RenterFilesLoadResponse)
err := postResp("/renter/files/load", "filename="+abs(filename), info)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Could not load file:", err)
fmt.Printf("Loaded %d file(s):\n", len(info.FilesAdded))
for _, file := range info.FilesAdded {
fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", file)
func renterfilesloadasciicmd(data string) {
info := new(api.RenterFilesLoadResponse)
err := getAPI(fmt.Sprintf("/renter/files/loadascii?file=%s", data), info)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Could not load file:", err)
fmt.Printf("Loaded %d file(s):\n", len(info.FilesAdded))
for _, file := range info.FilesAdded {
fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", file)
func renterfilesrenamecmd(nickname, newname string) {
err := post("/renter/files/rename", fmt.Sprintf("nickname=%s&newname=%s", nickname, newname))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Could not rename file:", err)
fmt.Printf("Renamed %s to %s\n", nickname, newname)
func renterfilessharecmd(nickname, destination string) {
err := get(fmt.Sprintf("/renter/files/share?nickname=%s&filepath=%s", nickname, abs(destination)))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Could not share file:", err)
fmt.Printf("Exported %s to %s\n", nickname, abs(destination))
func renterfilesshareasciicmd(nickname string) {
err := getAPI(fmt.Sprintf("/renter/files/shareascii?nickname=%s", nickname), &data)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Could not share file:", err)
func renterfilesuploadcmd(source, nickname string) {
err := post("/renter/files/upload", fmt.Sprintf("source=%s&nickname=%s", abs(source), nickname))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Could not upload file:", err)
fmt.Printf("Uploaded '%s' as %s.\n", abs(source), nickname)