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Fully Qualified Identifiers

Florian Meinicke requested to merge feature/fully-qualified-identifiers into develop

Why this Merge-Request ?

Please explain, what changes you introduced:

  • SiLAServer.add_feature has been updated to also work with Fully Qualified Feature Identifiers so that the FDL file for the feature can still be found
    (before the function couldn't handle the fact that the Identifier was Fully Qualified and tried to find a file named org-silastandard/examples/GreetingProvider/v1.sila.xml, for example

What Part(s) of SiLA_python is affected ? (e.g. sila_library, codegenerator, implementations )

  • sila_library (server-side)
  • codegenerator (ServerPrototypeGenerator mainly)

Are there backwards-compatible changes ?

  • yes, I modified the add_feature function in a way that it accepts both unqualified (as before) and Fully Qualified identifiers (new)

Are there expected incompatible changes / side effects

  • not yet...


  • linked to related GitLab issues ?
  • added relevant changes to the in the [vNext] section?
Edited by Florian Meinicke

Merge request reports