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Peeter Normak requested to merge petslane/Shinobi:ci into dev

Added CI:

  • node_modules
  • lint

lint job is eslint with prettier. Currently checking only libs folder.

Added npm scripts:

  • lint for checking errors
  • lint:fix for fixing errors that eslint is able to fix and auto-format with prettier.

Right now allowed lint to fail (allow_failure: true) as code contains too many errors.


  • @moeiscool verifies that Coding style is ok, by running npm run lint:fix and checking files in libs folder
  • if @moeiscool is satisfied by Coding style generated by eslint and prettier, then he will run npm run lint:fix and commit lib folder changes before merge
    • to avoid merge conflicts, this branch should be rebased to latest dev branch (@petslane can rebase on request)

Additional change not related to CI

backblaze-b2 module starting from 1.1 requires node 10, so updated dependency to require backblaze-b2 version up to 1.0 and set shinobi node requirement to version 8.

Edited by Moe

Merge request reports