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New stream type - RTMP

Roman Kalaputs requested to merge rkalaputs/Shinobi:feature-rtmp-stream into dev

Added possibility to view RTMP stream directly from Inbound connection (if device supports it, e.g. Reolink RLC-432). It allows to reduce server CPU usage for corresponding FFMPEG process.

The usage is quite simple:

  1. Select "RTMP" as stream type
  2. Provide RTMP URL
  3. Choose if you wan't to mute sound by default or not

To display RTMP stream on a page free version of Flowplayer is used (added to libs/js/flowplayer folder). Internally it's using Flash player, so corresponding plugin should be enabled in browser.

Hope it will be useful for someone else as well.

Edited by Roman Kalaputs

Merge request reports