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  • v2.11.1.mingit-prerelease.2
    MinGit v2.11.1 prerelease 2
    Changes since MinGit v2.11.1 prerelease 1 (Jan 5th 2017)
    Bug Fixes
      * A malicious "ssh://..." URL could result in options passed to the
        `ssh` command, which is now prevented.
    Git for Windows v2.14.1
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.14.0(2) (August 7th 2017)
    New Features
      * Comes with Git v2.14.1.
      * Comes with cURL v7.55.0.
      * The Git Bash Here context menu item is now also available in the
        special Libraries folders.
    Git for Windows v2.12.2(3)
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.12.2(2) (April 5th 2017)
    New Features
      * The experimental option --show-ignored-directory was added to git
        status to show only the name of ignored directories when the option
        --untracked=all is used.
    Bug Fixes
      * A malicious "ssh://..." URL could result in options passed to the
        `ssh` command, which is now prevented.
    Git for Windows v2.13.1(3)
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.13.1(2) (June 15th 2017)
    New Features
      * The experimental option --show-ignored-directory was added to git
        status to show only the name of ignored directories when the option
        --untracked=all is used.
    Bug Fixes
      * A malicious "ssh://..." URL could result in options passed to the
        `ssh` command, which is now prevented.
    Git for Windows v2.14.0(2)
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.14.0 (August 6th 2017)
    Bug Fixes
      * A regression introduced in v2.14.0 that prevented fetching via SSH
        was fixed.
    Git for Windows v2.14.0
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.13.3 (July 13th 2017)
    New Features
      * Comes with Git v2.14.0.
      * Comes with [BusyBox v1.28.0pre.15857.9480dca7c](
      * Comes with Git Credential Manager v1.12.0.
      * It is now possible to switch between Secure Channel and OpenSSL for
        Git's HTTPS transport by setting the http.sslBackend config
        variable to "openssl" or "schannel"; This is now also the method
        used by the installer (rather than copying libcurl-4.dll files
      * The experimental option --show-ignored-directory was added to git
        status to show only the name of ignored directories when the option
        --untracked=all is used.
      * Git for Windows releases now also include an experimental
        BusyBox-based MinGit.
    Bug Fixes
      * Repository-local aliases are now resolved again in worktrees.
      * CamelCased aliases were broken in v2.13.3; This has been fixed
      * The 32-bit Git binaries are now built against the same dependencies
        that are shipped with Git for Windows.
    Git for Windows v2.13.3
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.13.2 (June 26th 2017)
    New Features
      * Comes with Git v2.13.3.
      * Comes with Git LFS v2.2.1.
      * Comes with MSYS2 runtime (Git for Windows flavor) based on Cygwin
    Bug Fixes
      * Git Bash no longer tries to use the getent tool which was never
        shipped with Git for Windows.
    Git for Windows v2.13.2
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.13.1(2) (June 15th 2017)
    New Features
      * Comes with Git v2.13.2.
      * Comes with Git Credential Manager v1.10.1.
      * The Git Bash prompt can now be overridden by creating the file
      * Comes with cURL v7.54.1.
    Git for Windows v2.13.1(2)
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.13.1 (June 13th 2017)
    Bug Fixes
      * git commit and git status no longer randomly throw segmentation
    Git for Windows v2.13.1
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.13.0 (May 10th 2017)
    New Features
      * Comes with Git v2.13.1.
      * Comes with Git Credential Manager v1.10.0.
      * Comes with OpenSSH 7.5p1.
      * Comes with Git Flow v1.11.0.
      * Comes with Git LFS v2.1.1.
      * Git now uses the flag introduced with Windows 10 Creators Update to
        create symbolic links without requiring elevated privileges in
        Developer Mode.
    Bug Fixes
      * The documentation of Git for Windows' several config files was
      * When interrupting Git processes in Git Bash by pressing Ctrl+C, Git
        now removes .lock files as designed (accompanying Git PR; this
        should also fix issue #338).
      * git status -uno now treats submodules in ignored directories
      * The fscache feature no longer slows down git commit -m <message> in
        large worktrees.
      * Executing git.exe in Git Bash when the current working directory is
        a UNC path now works as expected.
      * Staging/unstaging multiple files in Git GUI via Ctrl+C now works.
      * When hitting Ctrl+T in Git GUI to stage files, but the file list is
        empty, Git GUI no longer shows an exception window.
    Git for Windows v2.13.0
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.12.2(2) (April 5th 2017)
    New Features
      * Comes with Git v2.13.0.
      * Comes with cURL v7.54.0.
      * Comes with Git LFS v2.1.0.
    Bug Fixes
      * As per Git LFS' convention, it is installed into the bin/ directory
      * Calling git add with an absolute path using different upper/lower
        case than recorded on disk will now work as expected instead of
        claiming that the paths are outside the repository.
      * Git for Windows no longer tries to determine the default printer.
      * When writing the Git index file, Git for Windows no longer has the
        wrong idea about the file's timestamp.
      * On Windows, absolute paths can start with a backslash (implicitly
        referring to the same drive as the current directory), and now git
        clone can use those paths, too.
    Git for Windows v2.12.2(2)
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.12.2 (March 27th 2017)
    New Features
      * Portable Git is now using a custom-built SFX that is based directly
        on 7-Zip's SFX.
      * Git LFS was upgraded to v2.0.2.
      * Updated the MSYS2 runtime to Cygwin 2.8.0.
      * Git LFS can now be disabled in the first installer page (users can
        still enable it manually, as before, of course).
      * Comes with Git Credential Manager v1.9.1.
    Bug Fixes
      * A potential crash in git status with lots of files was fixed.
      * Git LFS now gets installed into the correct location.
      * Git LFS is now configured correctly out of the box (unless
      * The http.sslCAInfo config setting is now private to the Git for
        Windows installation that owns the file.
      * git difftool -d no longer crashes randomly.
    Git for Windows v2.12.2
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.12.1 (March 21st 2017)
    New Features
      * Comes with Git v2.12.2.
      * An earlier iteration of the changes speeding up the
        case-insensitive cache of file names was replaced by a new
    Git for Windows v2.12.1
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.12.0 (February 25th 2017)
    A MinGit-only v2.12.0(2) was released in the meantime.
    New Features
      * Comes with Git v2.12.1.
      * In addition to the GitForWindows NuGet package, we now also publish
        MinGit as a NuGet package.
      * Git for Windows now bundles Git LFS.
      * Comes with Git Credential Manager v1.9.0.
      * Git can now be configured to use Secure Channel to use the Windows
        Credential Store when fetching/pushing via HTTPS.
      * Updates Git-Flow to v1.10.2 (addressing #1092).
      * Git for Windows' fork of the MSYS2 runtime was rebased to a preview
        of the Cygwin runtime version 2.8.0 (due soon) to fix fork: child
        <n> - forked process <pid> died unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code
        0xC0000142, errno 11 problems.
    Bug Fixes
      * MinGit no longer gets distracted by incompatible libeay32.dll
        versions in C:\Windows\system32.
      * Long paths between 248 and 260 characters were not handled
        correctly since Git for Windows v2.11.1, which is now fixed.
      * The awk.exe shipped with MinGit now ships with a previously missing
        a dependency (this fixes git mergetool).
      * Git for Windows does not ship with localized messages to save on
        bandwidth, and the gettext initialization can be skipped when the
        directory with said messages is missing, saving us up to 150ms on
        every git.exe startup.
      * A possible crash when running git log --pickaxe-regex -S<regex> was
      * The ORIGINAL_PATH variable, recently introduced by the MSYS2
        project to allow for special "PATH modes", is now handled in the
        same manner as the PATH variable when jumping the Windows<->MSYS2
        boundary, fixing issues when ORIGINAL_PATH is converted to Windows
        format and back again.
    Git for Windows v2.12.0(2)
    This is a MinGit-only release.
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.12.0 (February 25th 2017)
    New Features
      * In addition to the GitForWindows NuGet package, we now also publish
        MinGit as a NuGet package.
      * Git for Windows now bundles Git LFS.
      * Comes with Git Credential Manager v1.9.0.
    Bug Fixes
      * MinGit no longer gets distracted by incompatible libeay32.dll
        versions in C:\Windows\system32.
      * Long paths between 248 and 260 characters were not handled
        correctly since Git for Windows v2.11.1, which is now fixed.
      * The awk.exe shipped with MinGit now ships a previously missing a
        dependency (this fixes git mergetool).
      * Git for Windows does not ship with localized messages to save on
        bandwidth, and the gettext initialization can be skipped when the
        directory with said messages is missing, saving us ~150ms on every
        git.exe startup.
    Git for Windows v2.12.0
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.11.1 (February 3rd 2017)
    New Features
      • Comes with Git v2.12.0.
      • The builtin difftool is no longer opt-in, as it graduated to be
        officially adopted by the Git project.
      • Comes with v2.7.0 of the POSIX emulation layer based on the Cygwin
      • Includes cURL 7.53.1.
      • The Portable Git now defaults to using the included Git Credential
    Bug Fixes
      • The stderr output is unbuffered again, i.e. errors are displayed
        immediately (this was reported on the Git mailing list as well as
        issues #1064, #1064, #1068).
      • Git can clone again from paths containing non-ASCII characters.
      • We no longer ship two different versions of curl.exe.
      • Hitting Ctrl+T in Git GUI even after all files have been (un)staged
        no longer throws an exception.
      • A couple of Git GUI bugs regarding the list of recent repositories
        have been fixed.
      • The git-bash.exe helper now waits again for the terminal to be
        closed before returning.
      • Git for Windows no longer attempts to send empty credentials to
        HTTP(S) servers that handle only Basic and/or Digest authentication
    Git for Windows v2.11.1
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.11.0(3) (January 14th 2017)
    New Features
      • Comes with Git v2.11.1.
      • Performance was enhanced when using fscache in a massively sparse
      • Git hooks can now be .exe files.
    Bug Fixes
      • Git GUI will no longer set GIT_DIR when calling Git Bash after
        visualizing the commit history.
      • When the PATH contains UNC entries, Git Bash will no longer error
        out with a "Bad address" error message.
    Prerelease of HEAD
    Git for Windows v2.11.0(3)
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.11.0(2) (January 13th 2017)
    Bug Fixes
      • Fixed an off-by-two bug in the POSIX emulation layer that possibly
        affected third-party Perl scripts that load native libraries
      • A regression in rebase -i, introduced into v2.11.0(2), which caused
        commit attribution to be mishandled after resolving conflicts, was
    Git for Windows v2.11.0(2)
    Changes since Git for Windows v2.11.0 (December 1st 2016)
    New Features
      * Reading a large index has been speeded up using pthreads.
      * The checkout operation was speeded up for the common cases.
      * The status operation was made faster in large worktrees with many
      * The diff operation saw performance improvements when working on a
        huge number of renamed files.
      * PuTTY's plink.exe can now be used in GIT_SSH_COMMAND without
        jumping through hoops, too.
      * The MSYS2 runtime was synchronized with Cygwin 2.6.1.
    Bug Fixes
      * Non-ASCII characters are now shown properly again in Git Bash.
      * Implicit NTLM authentication works again when accessing a remote
        repository via HTTP/HTTPS without having to specify empty user name
        and password.
      * Our poll() emulation now uses 64-bit tick counts to avoid the (very
        rare) wraparound issue where it could miscalculate time differences
        every 49 days.
      * The --no-lock-index option of git status is now also respected also
        in submodules.
      * The regression of v2.11.0 where Git could no longer push to shared
        folders via UNC paths is fixed.
      * A bug in the MSYS2 runtime where it performed POSIX->Windows
        argument conversion incorrectly was fixed.
      * The MSYS2 runtime was prepared to access the FAST_CWD internal data
        structure in upcoming Windows versions.
      * Fixed a bug in the experimental builtin difftool where it would not
        handle copied/renamed files properly.