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Support for Emotes type 122_KillTask and type 72_Generate

Zarto requested to merge (removed):Zemotes into ZartoEmotes

Adds new emote type 122 "KillTask".

All in one solution to reduce the weenie emote table to a single entry with all relevant data entered into single emote. Code may need refactor for added simplicity. I was unable to re-create this functionality with existing emotes. Extending existing emotes to include this unique type of quest resulted in significant code pollution, which i felt added to the burden of CPU cycles. This proposal, while a large switch, isolates the parsing of the function to a single emote. Meaning the cpu may need to spend cycles to solve this, it doesn't have to solve a complicated emote table that calls the emote manager multiple times.

  • -Updates GameEnums to add type 122 KillTask_EmoteType
  • -Updates Qualities.cpp to add type 122 and pertinent data reads/writes.
  • -Updates Qualities.h to include initialization of string variables
  • -Updates EmoteManager.h with string variable for %kt substitution.
  • -Updates EmoteManger.cpp to add KillTask_EmoteType function.

Added Emote Type 72 "Generate".

Functionality allows for creatures to spawn other creatures/objects from their generate table on demand.

-NOTE: Creature weenie INIT_GENERATED must be set to 0. Type 72 emote uses "amount": field to set INIT_GENERATED before calling weenie factory to initialize generation process.

  • -Added new function in WeenieObject.cpp to call weeniefactory and skip Generator_Event_String check.
  • -Added corresponding declaration in WeenieObject.h

SAMPLE WEENIES FOR TESTING! SampleKTandgeneratormob.rar

Local Validation Methods

Type 122 Kill Task

With the attached sample weenies...

  1. Tested not in a fellowship. PASS
  2. Character B, not on quest but in fellow killed a quest mob. Character A received stamp and update msg. Character B not on quest did not receive stamp or get console spam. PASS
  3. Character A and B both on quest but at different kill counts. Both received proper incremental kill counts when either character killed a quest mob in fellow. PASS
  4. Simultaneous kills. Both characters received proper updates for multi-kill counts. PASS
  5. Upon reaching max kill as defined in the emote (max) console message switched to show completion message. PASS

Please see the following link for a 1 page overview of the Emote Table and flow logic.

Edited by Zarto

Merge request reports