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Feature distributed merge and bnsl hypercube partitioner

Zainul Abideen Sayed requested to merge feature-bnsl-partitioner into master

Major changes

  • Changed merge strategy from gather to pull and push

    • Pull happens synchronously as soon as the rank has finished processing local tasks and stealing
      • Pull gets the tasks from its neighbours and merges it on reception to avoid memory bloating
    • Push can happen sync/async depending on the compile-time flag (ASYNC_), push requests is handled by the helper thread.
      • Push in async adopts fire and forget strategy, a future resolution is determined on the basis of next_ queue being empty. This is implemented using atomic_flags
  • Added hypercube partitioner and simple hashing partitioner to BNSL problem

  • Non-Unique tasks are now reduced in async over b-tree by helper thread.

  • In bnsl_state.hpp operator == has been updated to check for equality of active_task. This guarantees the correct accumulation of active tasks in the root at the end of each superstep.

Minor changes

  • `vranks_' is initialized in the constructor of executor, It contains the ranks of all neighbours.
  • Changed lock/unlock to lock_guard where applicable
  • Avoiding locking in m_receive_message_head__ for some request_type which don't update the tokens
  • In impl.hpp kept one template version of add_to(Container& S, const T& t) such that it can accept any container types
  • In Cmake for profile flag added -fsanitize=leak"

Bug fixes

  • In bit_utils.hpp fixed memory bloating issue
  • In bnsl_state.hpp operator == fixed from comparing tid to (score, active_tasks)
  • Move calling identity on gst_ at the start of superstep
Edited by Zainul Abideen Sayed

Merge request reports