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Manually implemented debug traits w/ proper unaligned access

  • The current FFI generated in the past is inconsistent. E0507 happens because Debug make use of the references to the struct's members which doesn't have Copy impl. So it's necessary to renew src/ .
  • The option name in bindgen has changed from "whitelist" to "allowlist" for political correctness. I have updated the line to reflect this change and ensure compatibility with the latest version of bindgen.
  • From Rust 1.70, unaligned access to packed structs is originally undefined behavior and thus has been prohibited. The original src/ has such lines.
  • bindgen has expanded its scope for automatically deriving Debug implementations. As a result, some of our custom implementations in src/ became redundant. I have regenerated using the latest version of bindgen to account for these changes.
Edited by maleicacid

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