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  • Alessandro Arzilli's avatar
    proc: use stack machine to evaluate expressions (#3508) · 2c700230
    Alessandro Arzilli authored
    * proc: use stack machine to evaluate expressions
    This commit splits expression evaluation into two parts. The first part (in
    pkg/proc/evalop/evalcompile.go) "compiles" as ast.Expr into a list of
    instructions (defined in pkg/proc/evalop/ops.go) for a stack machine
    (defined by `proc.(*evalStack)`).
    The second part is a stack machine (implemented by `proc.(*EvalScope).eval`
    and `proc.(*EvalScope).evalOne`) that has two modes of operation: in the
    main mode it executes inteructions from the list (by calling `evalOne`), in
    the second mode it executes the call injection protocol by calling
    `funcCallStep` repeatedly until it either the protocol finishes, needs more
    input from the stack machine (to set call arguments) or fails.
    This approach has several benefits:
    - it is now possible to remove the goroutine we use to evaluate expression
      and the channel used to communicate with the Continue loop.
    - every time we resume the target to execute the call injection protocol we
      need to update several local variables to match the changed state of the
      target, this is now done at the top level of the evaluation loop instead of
      being hidden inside a recurisive evaluator
    - using runtime.Pin to pin addresses returned by an injected call would
      allow us to use a more natural evaluation order for function calls, which
      would solve some bugs #3310, allow users to inspect values returned by a
      call injection #1599 and allow implementing some other features #1465. Doing
      this with the recursive evaluator, while keeping backwards compatibility
      with versions of Go that do not have runtime.Pin is very hard. However after
      this change we can simply conditionally change how compileFunctionCall works
      and add some opcodes.
    * review round 1
    * review round 2