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  • Alessandro Arzilli's avatar
    proc,service/debugger: track how breakpoints were originally set (#3148) · ec5fcc07
    Alessandro Arzilli authored
    Adds field to breakpoint struct to track how a breakpoint was
    originally set, moves the logic for disabling and enabling a breakpoint
    to proc.
    This will allow creating suspended breakpoints that are automatically
    enabled when a plugin is loaded. When follow exec mode is implemented
    it will also be possible to automatically enable breakpoints (whether
    or not they were suspended) on new child processes, as they are
    It also improves breakpoint restore after a restart, before this after
    a restart breakpoints would be re-enabled using their file:line
    position, for breakpoints set using a function name or a location
    expression this could be the wrong location after a recompile.
    Updates #1653
    Updates #2551