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  • Alessandro Arzilli's avatar
    proc: correctly mark closure variables as shadowed (#1674) · e9940473
    Alessandro Arzilli authored and Derek Parker's avatar Derek Parker committed
    If a closure captures a variable but also defines a variable of the
    same name in its root scope the shadowed flag would, sometimes, not be
    appropriately applied to the captured variable.
    This change:
    1. sorts the variable list by depth *and* declaration line, so that
    closure captured variables always appear before other root-scope
    variables, regardless of the order used by the compiler
    2. marks variable with the same name as shadowed even if there is only
    one scope at play.
    This fixes the problem but as a side effect:
    1. programs compiled with Go prior to version 1.9 will have the
    shadowed flag applied arbitrarily (previously the shadowed flag was not
    applied at all)
    2. programs compiled with Go prior to versoin 1.11 will still exhibit
    the bug, as they do not have DeclLine information.
    Fixes #1672