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  • Yasushi Saito's avatar
    command/terminal: allow restart to change process args (#1060) · c5c41f63
    Yasushi Saito authored and Derek Parker's avatar Derek Parker committed
    * command/terminal: allow restart to change process args
    Add -args flag to "restart" command. For example, "restart -args a b c" will
    pass args a b c to the new process.
    Add "-c" flag to pass the checkpoint name. This is needed to disambiguate the
    checkpoint name and arglist.
    Reverted unnecessary changes.
    * Applied reviewer comments.
    Vendored argv.
    Change the syntax of restart. When the target is is in recording mode, it always
    interprets the args as a checkpoint. Otherwise, it interprets the args as
    commandline args. The flag "-args" is still there, to handle the case in which
    the user wants to pass an empty args on restart.
    * Add restartargs.go.
    Change "restart -args" to "restart -noargs" to clarify that this flag is used to
    start a process with an empty arg.