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Implementation of linear response with two chemical potentials

Implementation of linear response with two chemical potentials. List of changes:

New files: 'LR_Modules/lr_two_chem.f90': contains the subroutines needed for the two Fermi shifts at q=0 with two chemical potentials. 'PHonon/PH/addusddens_cond.f90,PHonon/PH/compute_alphasum_cond.f90,PHonon/PH/compute_becsum_ph_cond.f90': subroutines to calculate ultrasoft contribution to delta rho for conductions band only, needed for the two Fermi shifts at q=0.

Modified files:

  1. General changes to ph.x to treat twochem flag: 'LR_Modules/orthogonalize.f90' 'LR_Modules/setup_alpha_pv.f90' 'LR_Modules/setup_nbnd_occ.f90' 'PHonon/PH/compute_weight.f90' 'PHonon/PH/dnsq_scf.f90' 'PHonon/PH/phq_readin.f90' 'PHonon/PH/run_nscf.f90' 'PHonon/PH/solve_linter.f90'

  2. I/O changes: 'PHonon/PH/allocate_phq.f90' 'PHonon/PH/deallocate_phq.f90' 'Modules/qexsd_input.f90' 'Modules/qexsd_copy.f90' 'PW/src/pw_init_qexsd_input.f90' 'PW/src/pw_restart_new.f90'

I added the following variables to the schema: twochem,nbnd_cond,nelec_cond,degauss_cond,ef_cond. Finally I added ph_twochem to the test suite and verified that the test suite for pw and ph run with no problems.

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