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Verification of topology rules

Vincent Bré requested to merge validation-geom-topo into master

@lbartoletti @Djedouas Finished integrating the student code on topology checking.

Add a section on topology rules in the interface


Topology rules checked:

  • Validity of the geometry
  • Duplicates
  • Overlaps

Documentation and unit tests have been updated. Manual tests have been done with the 3 data formats, I have attached a test data set.

I added Humbert Fiorino and Jeremy Rousseau (owner of the shared code) as co-authors in the last commit.

Some areas of improvement:

  • Improvement of the has_topology_errors function: I didn't try to optimize the code regarding checking for duplicates and overlaps. I just merged the check into one function. I wanted to use the Topology Checker tool but it is apparently not possible in PyQGIS.
  • Adding the other topology rules of the Topology Checker tool.
  • The duplicates and the overlaps are listed twice (e.g. Feature 1 is identical to the Feature 2, Feature 2 is identical to the Feature 1)
  • Output format of the reports in json and html formats (the list of duplicates and overlaps must be interpreted differently than in a markdown report, e.g. replace the - with <br> in html).

Merge request reports