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Y Zoom and Pan feature

Sebastien Peillet requested to merge spe-y_zoom-pan_feature into master

This MR complete users interaction with plot by adding :

  • pan action on plot : pan on domain axis was already implemented but pan on value axis wasn't. Instead it was used to scroll through columns. I add pan on value axis and to dissociate both actions, I set cursor position as a condition. If the cursor is over a PlotItem/IntervalPlotItem, then the pan action will move the value axis, if it is over a LegendItem (column header), then the pan action will scroll columns.

  • zoom on value axis : the conditions to use this feature are the following : mouse cursor must be on a PlotItem or an IntervalPlotItem, then the control is Ctrl + wheel (zoom on domain axis is on the wheel without Ctrl key)


Edited by Sebastien Peillet

Merge request reports