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Graphics enhancement

Sebastien Peillet requested to merge wip_graphics_enhancement into master

Enhancement :

  • Fix scale : Scale were a column/row amongst the other, but when there is a lot of columns/rows the scale is hidded or the user have to move the scale using arrows button. Now scale column/row works as a freeze column/row in calc. Pad arrows (not button) still allows to move the scene to hide scale.
  • Movable plot items : as the scale is now fixed, plots/views are movable. Items can be moved with the mouse in a drag&drop style.

The mechanics handle add_column / remove_column action and update the view to keep the coherence between items.

Bugs fixed :

  • missing left line on imagery item
  • Scale label for log views.

Doc :

  • add docstring for all items class

Merge request reports