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Log Rotation Improvements

Rolf Madsen requested to merge LogRotationImprovement into master

Note: For 9.3

The previous implementation of managing recent logs had several issues:

  • No synchronization took place between multiple processes using the same .recent_logs file. This has lead to logs being forgotten and never cleaned.
  • Multiple .recent_logs files appeared depending on how tap.exe was executed, so sometimes more log files appeared.

These things has been fixed by creating a single .recent_logs file stored in user appdata(/ .config on linux). This means that different users wont clean up other users log files. Additionally a lock has been added that globally locks the .recent_logs file, and the file is read and written inside the same lock, so data races will no longer occur.


Reverted to using the same folder as the folder of OpenTap.dll. However, in case that folder is read-only, we select another place for the .opentap_recent_logfiles file.

fixes #79 (closed)

Edited by Janus Faaborg

Merge request reports