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3122 opentap nuget package

Asger Iversen requested to merge 3122-opentapNugetPackage into master

Adds the source for a nuget package of OpenTAP.

The package will:

  • Add a reference to OpenTap.dll when installed in a project
  • Copy all OpenTAP binaries (content of OpenTAP.TapPackage) into $(OutDir) (usually bin/Debug) when the project is built.
  • Configure the project to detect and create a package from any package.xml files added to the project (actually adding that files is still up to the developer)
  • Configure the project to install (into $(OutDir)) any packages that are listed as AdditionalOpenTapPackage items in the project file.
    • When these packages are installed an environment variable OPENTAP_DEBUG_INSTALL is set to allow any install actions to customize their behavior to this situation (e.g. OSIntegration package will skip creating shortcuts in the start menu).

Example project file to use the build features that this nuget adds:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <AdditionalOpenTapPackage Include="Developer's System" />
    <PackageReference Include="OpenTAP" Version="9.1.4-alpha.20.7" />

Edited by Asger Iversen

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