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MSVC: extern/ tweaks to make it build

Gleb Mazovetskiy requested to merge glebm/openmw:msvc-fix-osg-src-build into master

Not everything is supported but it does build with the following CMakeSettings.json variables and dependencies from vcpkg:

  "variables": [
    { "name": "OPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_BULLET", "value": "False", "type": "BOOL" },
    { "name": "OPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_MYGUI", "value": "False", "type": "BOOL" },
    { "name": "OPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_OSG", "value": "False", "type": "BOOL" },
    { "name": "BULLET_STATIC", "value": "True", "type": "BOOL" },
    { "name": "OSG_STATIC", "value": "False", "type": "BOOL" },
    { "name": "MYGUI_STATIC", "value": "False", "type": "BOOL" }

What works: openmw.exe builds

What does not work: Not all DLLs are copied into the output directory with this set up (SDL2, MyGUI, Bullet, OSG, are not copied).


Merge request reports