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Improved preview and vanity mode

Petr Mikheev requested to merge ptmikheev/openmw:preview_mode2 into master

It makes preview and vanity mode much more convenient.

Currently player can switch to preview mode by pressing TAB for half a second. Then camera jumps to the position from the previous preview.

This change removes the delay and the camera jump. It becomes almost the same as in Skyrim, but player should hold TAB instead of standing still. After releasing TAB the character turns to the direction of view.

See video example.

I recommend to test with view over shoulder enabled.


I've added settings:

preview if stand still = true
deferred preview rotation = true

All 4 possible combinations of the settings make sense.

  • Defaults are {false, true} (previous iteration of this MR, before adding settings).
  • {false, false} is a bit closer to vanilla Morrowind.
  • To use Skyrim style set it to {true, false}.
  • I personally like {true, true} the most. It differs from Skyrim style only if preview mode is used in combat.

Please test it!

Edited by Petr Mikheev

Merge request reports