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Drug management activity!

Oogie McGuire requested to merge evranch:master into master

Created by: evranch

Hi Oogie! I apologize for the long span of inactivity. Sometimes things get busy on the farm as we all know. With a big snowstorm over the last couple days I got to sit down and work on LT and get some stuff working. Anyways, here's the drug management activity as promised.

Current usage cases:

  • Display all the drugs currently in stock in a selectable list
  • Dispose of an old lot of drug
  • Copy all data from an old lot to a new lot of the same drug, updating only relevant data

To do:

  • Detail view that shows all fields, for using as dosage reference etc.
  • Possibly the ability to add a new drug and fill out all fields

Check out how I handled the DatePickers with XML instead of the dreaded dialog. I feel it's more elegant than all the overriding required to use that DatePickerDialog and as a bonus it lets you format the window how you like.

Also smacked a couple bugs, AddLamb would not run for me and as this year's lambs are dropping in 2 weeks I needed to get it going!

Merge request reports